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- INTRATONE Key Fob Mifare SS Insert (Single Fob)These Intratone key fobs allow quick access protected by a proximity reader. Each fob is unique so any copied devices are instantly recognised. They are avail More InfoFrom £5.59 RRP
- MINDER Mini Keyring Torch Personal AlarmThe MINDER Mini Keyring Torch Personal Alarm features a 140dB alarm siren with pull pin activation, plus an added separate torch facility to ensure that the use More InfoFrom £10.06 RRP
- MINDER Screaming Ladybug Personal AlarmThe MINDER Screaming Ladybug Personal Alarm is Secured by Design (Police approved specification) and features a unique 130dB screaming voice alarm, which is ext More InfoFrom £14.56 RRP
- PAXTON Compact / Switch2 Proximity Card PackPROXIMITY card packs are for use with PROXIMITY compact, Easyprox compact and Switch2 systems. The cards are supplied in wallets. An intuitive 'shadow card' s More InfoFrom £83.00 RRP
- PAXTON Compact / Switch2 Proximity Key FobPROXIMITY keyfob packs are for use with PROXIMITY compact, Easyprox compact and Switch2 systems. An intuitive 'shadow card' system is used for ease of manageme More InfoFrom £83.00 RRP