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- ASEC Fob To Suit AS10640 One Proximity ReaderAsec Fob to suit the Asec One combined keypad and proximity access control system. More InfoFrom £1.90 RRP
- ASEC One Proximity Access KitThe Asec One Proximity Access Kit is an ideal access solution for buildings with single door entry.
This kit includes:
1 x Proximity Keypad
1 More InfoFrom £288.88 RRP - ASEC Proximity Reader & KeypadThe Asec Combined Keypad and Proximity Access Control System is vandal resistant and suitable for use on buildings or offices with a single door entry. You can More InfoFrom £116.12 RRP
- ASEC Proximity Reader To Suit Single Door Access KitThis Proximity Reader is designed to suit the Asec Single Door Access Kit and it is operated using 26 bit Wiegand HID, Mifare, EM products. It is suitable for More InfoFrom £69.86 RRP
- DORMAKABA E-Plex 2000 Battery Operated Digital LockThe weather resistant E-Plex 2000 series from dormakaba (formerly known as Kaba) is an electronic digital lock solution. The lock can be easily programmed via More InfoFrom £697.09 RRP
- DORMAKABA E-Plex 2000 Powerstar Digital LockThe E-Plex 2000 Powerstar Digital Lock from dormakaba (formerly known as Kaba) is self-powered using their unique PowerStar™ technology. The built in super c More InfoFrom £774.12 RRP
- ICS EB180 Solenoid Bolt Slim MorticeThe ICS EB180 electric drop bolt is designed for wooden or hollow metal narrow stile doors and frames. It features an auto re-locking timer delay of 0 ,3, 6 or More InfoFrom £147.16 RRP
- ICS EB200 Solenoid Bolt MorticeThe ICS EB200 mortice electric drop bolt is suitable for aluminium, timber or steel doors. It features an auto re-locking timer delay of 0 ,3, 6 or 9 seconds a More InfoFrom £106.56 RRP
- ICS EB300 Solenoid Bolt SurfaceThe ICS EB300 electric drop bolt is surface mounted. It features an auto re-locking timer delay of 0 ,3, 6 or 9 seconds and is tested to 500,000 cycles. More InfoFrom £170.98 RRP