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- ASEC Fob To Suit AS10640 One Proximity ReaderAsec Fob to suit the Asec One combined keypad and proximity access control system. More InfoFrom £1.90 RRP
- ASEC One Proximity Access KitThe Asec One Proximity Access Kit is an ideal access solution for buildings with single door entry.
This kit includes:
1 x Proximity Keypad
1 More InfoFrom £288.88 RRP - ASEC Proximity Reader & KeypadThe Asec Combined Keypad and Proximity Access Control System is vandal resistant and suitable for use on buildings or offices with a single door entry. You can More InfoFrom £116.12 RRP
- ASEC Proximity Reader To Suit Single Door Access KitThis Proximity Reader is designed to suit the Asec Single Door Access Kit and it is operated using 26 bit Wiegand HID, Mifare, EM products. It is suitable for More InfoFrom £69.86 RRP
- CDVI CUBEKIT Wireless Radio Kit With 2 Transmitters & 1 Bluetooth ReceiverThe CUBEKIT is a wireless radio kit that includes a one relay receiver and two handheld transmitters. It is part of the CUBE X family of radio products from CD More InfoFrom £85.00 RRP
- LUCECO 13A Power Adaptor With Smart Home ControlA smart power adaptor that simply plugs in to an existing wall socket, enabling the control of smart devices when connected to your existing Wi-Fi. Control and More InfoFrom £21.96 RRP
- LUCECO 13A Smart Extension Lead With 3 SocketsA smart extension lead with 3 sockets which simply plugs in to an existing wall socket, enabling the control of smart devices when connected to your existing Wi More InfoFrom £45.45 RRP
- LUCECO Castra Smart PIR Flood Light 2400 LumensThe Luceco Smart Castra PIR security floodlight is mains powered and provides 2400 lumen of light. It connects to your Wi-Fi and can be controlled via the 'BG More InfoFrom £44.16 RRP
- SQUIRE Inigma Bluetooth Key FobSquire Inigma is a smart wireless access control system from Squire that uses Bluetooth communication. This key fob is needed to operate, power and communicate More InfoFrom £82.67 RRP
- SQUIRE Inigma Key Fob ChargerSquire Inigma is a smart wireless access control system from Squire that uses Bluetooth communication. This charger connects via USB and enables an Inigma smar More InfoFrom £82.22 RRP